Page name: Stripey Scarf Society [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-04-13 17:10:30
Last author: Cathos
Owner: Cathos
# of watchers: 9
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(logo by [Cathos] from her own sketches but the Doctor Who concept is (c) to the BBC)

The TARDIS has landed in Elftown!

Welcome traveller, you have reached a Wiki page dedicated to all things Doctor Who, so be ye Davros, Cyberman, Doctor's companion or wierd swamp creature, stick around and leave a comment.

To join us, please sign your name at the Timelords Gallifrey Census.
Message [Cathos] for help in putting the banner in your bio.

Go to <poll:13346> to vote for the best Doctor.

Go to the Star Charts for some fun/useful Doctorly destinations on the web.

Go to the R and R Room for a little entertainment and rpg.

We have a sister wiki at Dr Who!


It has been announced today (04/08/04) that the Daleks will be in the new series after all. :) Go here for the full story->

Who has started filming! (20/07/04)
Image from and is copyright to the BBC

Shock horror! The Daleks have been excluded from the new series of Who! This is due to copyright issues (the Daleks aren't owned by the BBC, but the estate of the person that came up with them), not because they would upstage Billie Piper. Funnyily enough, the BBC Dead Ringers show predicted this. Impressionist as Greg Dyke "Alright you can have Doctor Who! But not the Daleks! They've crossed me once too often!".

The BBC are now rerunning the series Shada on thier website (at It is an adaption of the original storyline written by the wonderful Douglas Adams and features Paul McGann as the Doctor, Lalla Ward as President Romana and K9 as K9. Theres also a rather sneaky little appearance made by a Ford Prefect that anyone familiar with the HitchHikers Guide will appreciate

It has recently been announced that Billie Piper will be the Doctor's assistant to Christopher Eccleston's Doctor. Come on and start making it already! For more news go to -> or

Doctor Who with lyrics?!

"I cross the void beyond the mind,
The empty space that circles time,
I see where others stumble blind,
The secret truth they never find,
Eternal wisdom is my kind,
I am... the Doctor!"

Go to to hear the pilot Jon Pertwee theme tune that was never used.

The Legend behind the Scarf?

The origin of the Tom Baker Scarf has become a bit of an urban legend among Whoeys. The story goes that when the BBC costume department were designing a Tom's costume, they decided that he should have a scarf. Nothing special, just a scarf. They enlisted the help of an old lady to knit it for them and asked what she would need. When she asked for some wool, the BBC being the BBC, they bought the contents of a wool shop and delivered it in a lorry to her house. When they went to collect the finished article, it filled most of the lady's living room. The scarf you see in the episodes is in fact sections of the original giant scarf.
I have no idea as to the level of truth in this, but its a fun explanation.

What's your favourite Doctor Who quote?

[Cathos] "I don't like this, something wants us to go through this door. After you Brigadeer" (Patrick Troughton in the Five Doctors)

Jamie: "We're not like you."
Cybercontroller: "You will be!" (Tomb of the Cybermen)

The Doctor: "I can also withstand considerably more G-force than other people, even though I say so myself." (Ambassadors of Death)

Scaroth (about the Doctor): "My dear, No one could be as stupid as he seems" (City of Death)

The Doctor: "You don't understand regeneration. It's a lottery and I've drawn a short plank." (Time and the Rani)

The Doctor: "Maybe I'm getting to young for this sort of thing." (Invasion of Time)

The Doctor: "What does he think he is? A potting shed or something?" (Marco Polo)

The Doctor: "I don't believe you've met my young friend Ace, an expert in calorification, incineration, carbonisation, and inflammation." (The Happiness Patrol)

The Doctor: "Would you like a jelly baby?"
Leela: "It's true then! They say the Evil One eats babies."
The Doctor: "You mustn't believe all they say." (The Face of Evil)

[Dom-Chan] 3rd Doctor: Well, I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flows so the TARDIS should be free of the forcefield now.

*5th Doctor takes helmet off and starts pressing buttons in the TARDIS*
Tegan: Doctor, whats...
5th Doctor: Ah,you're spoiling my concentration.

Brigadier: Chap with the wings there, five rounds rapid. (Jon Pertwee's favourite line of The Daemons)

The Doctor: Would you like a<img:>?

Username (or number or email):


2004-01-30 [Cathos]: Hmm, this page has been up for all of four hours. Maybe if I actually tell some bods about it, they will join. Meh, the Five Doctors is calling to me and I must obey.....

2004-02-08 [Cathos]: My scarf is nearly six feet long! *sigh* only another six feet to go.....

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: hehehehehhehhe

2004-02-10 [Cathos]: Would you like a jelly baby?

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: huh? what is it

2004-02-10 [Cathos]: They're sweets that Doctor Who offers to people.

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: ou

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: hey i want an wiki for......

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: swords men

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: and fightre wiki

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: i'll be back in 50 minutese

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: here i am

2004-02-10 [Cathos]: and I'm over here

2004-02-10 [Cathos]: put your wiki name in the find wiki, tell me and I'll help you build it.

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: ok

2004-02-10 [Kai Ken]: come to fighter club

2004-02-11 [Cathos]: fighter club

2004-02-17 [Kai Ken]: good

2004-03-19 [Cathos]: [Aashild] posted a link to a page on here. It was vampire related, but had nothing to do with the Doctor, even Curse of Fenric, so I deleted it.

2004-04-21 [, , , , , , , , ,]: *pokes nose in timidly* hello? I'm farely new to the whole Dr. Who series but what I've seen so far I like.

2004-04-21 [Cathos]: "Hello! I'm the Doctor, or will be if this regeneration works out....." Welcome. Much smiley. Have a jelly baby won't you?

2004-04-21 [, , , , , , , , ,]: ooh jelly babby :) Thanks

2004-04-23 [Cathos]: Why not sign up for the time lords census? I love having more Whoeys around in the Town. *smiley* Jelly babies all round!

2004-04-25 [, , , , , , , , ,]: I've got a question. If the Tardis has a whole bunch of rooms, is there a room with a huge jelly baby container in it? I mean the Dr. probably went through several pounds of them. *curious*

2004-04-25 [Cathos]: There are two theories about that one, a) the Doctor has a magic self-refilling jelly baby bag, or b) there are several rooms full of jelly babies in the TARDIS, possibly accidentally jettisoned by Colin Baker in the events leading up to Vengeance on Varos. This is the same storyline where he gets lost in the TARDIS.

2004-04-26 [, , , , , , , , ,]: hmmm I'd be more willing to bet on a bag that automaticaly refills itself from a store room on the TARDIS, that way only technology is involved and not mized up too much with magic. I've never seen those episodes, but then again I've seen very few *shigh* I'm trying to remidy that thoug. *chuckle*

2004-04-27 [Cathos]: I've mostly seen what I have on DVD, which isn't much, but the other campus of my University has a Sci-Fi library with a whole wall of Who videos. I go in there in the morning and don't come out until after dark!

2004-04-27 [, , , , , , , , ,]: lucky :)

2004-04-28 [Cathos]: Unfortunately, I don't get to visit very often and sometimes theres people in there watching something else. Theres only one video player and I can't really throw them off it.

2004-05-06 [Dom-Chan]: what about startin a small dr who adventure thingy, and hav rulz like u can't kill the doctor or somethin

2004-05-06 [Cathos]: Thats a plan so cunning you could sharpen it and use it as a pencil! Who would be the Doctor? When I get time, I'll set up a wiki for the game and think over a set of rules.

2004-05-07 [Cathos]: I've written a new page. R and R Room to have an adventure game, so please add your characters and we'll begin! Bear in mind that I may be a geek, but I've never played any rpg ever before.

2004-05-08 [Dom-Chan]: yay, d-chan loves it when a plan comes together, well i don't want to be the doctor. villains rule!

2004-05-09 [Cathos]: The R and R Room is ready now. So lets have a game!

2004-06-02 [Cathos]: My FanQuarter gallery is updated! Yay! *shameless plug*

2004-06-03 [Dom-Chan]: argh, u spelt pertwee's name wrong. it's jon not john

2004-06-03 [Cathos]: Rats! I do that everytime! I'll go and correct it at some point.

2004-06-15 [Dom-Chan]: thx.

2004-06-16 [Cathos]: Sorry about the delays with running the game. I have a lot of things to deal with right now that don't really allow me much time for fun.

2004-08-25 [The Outcast Soul]: it wasnt copyright issues with the daleks it was becaus ethe owner of the rights to the daleks did not accept the first offer of money and asked for more so the bbc said stuff you then ;) i know these things i have contacts

2004-08-26 [Cathos]: Yay! Another member! *hands out jelly babies while poinging gleefully* Sounds rather like what happened with Colin's "regeneration". Again with the falling out over moneys!

2004-08-26 [The Outcast Soul]: thnk you for the jelly babie syep falling out ove rmoney cant wait for the next gallifrey convention

2004-08-31 [Cathos]: *looks forward to Picocon* It'll be my firstest con and I'm just slightly excited! It's being run by the London campus SciFi Society of my Uni. *poings happily*

2004-08-31 [Cathos]: Oooh, by the way, I have finally finished my very own stripey scarf. :) Its 15 feet long which should be about right if you scale the real one down for some one of my hieght.

2004-08-31 [The Outcast Soul]: lucky you lol if you ever get the chance go to the gallifrey convention in america it is brilliant the people i have met luckily my big brother helps out on it so i get all the inside gossip and news

2004-09-01 [Cathos]: I'm a broke English student, so on the wrong continent and with no money for flights. Nuts!

2004-09-01 [The Outcast Soul]: save up its what i have to do lol

2004-09-04 [Cathos]: I don't have the patience to save up that kind of money, plus I like to have a roof over my head and to be able to eat occassionally.

2004-09-06 [Moucher]: well this is me the outcast soul just so you all know i had to start a new user because of problems with the old one

2004-09-30 [Moucher]: come on people lets talk doctor who favourite doctor and why etc lets make this wiki exciting

2004-10-01 [Cathos]: I was watching a random documentary yesterady and at the end it said it was narrated by Christopher Eccleston. I liked his voice, so I'm slightly happier about him getting the part. He looks such a grumpy git from his photos, but I suppose Paul McGann does in a certain light when he's out of costume.

2004-10-01 [Cathos]: I've been drawing portraits of the Doctors lately (none of which look too much like the actual doctor) and when I'm back at college next week, and I've scanned them, I'll put them in my gallery. I'll leave a link when everythings uploaded. :)

2004-10-25 [Dom-Chan]: i don't like paul mcgann, i don't regard him as an actual doctor bcuz he was in that million dollar movie of dr who

2004-10-25 [Cathos]: Personally, I like the eighth doctor. Its not Paul Mcgann's fault he got a naff american script with car chases added in. The silly americans even decked out the TARDIS in victoriana! It would have looked much better in High Gallifreyan grey. I did enjoy the feelin gof space with in the TARDIS though. In the series' it always seems closed in and small some how.

2004-11-09 [Moucher]: tom baker all the way ive been watching him n monarch of the glen and he stillis the doctor he was the doctor he made the part what itis in my opinion

2004-11-09 [Cathos]: I'm fickle. :) I tend to prefer which ever doctor I've been watching most of recently. The Paul McGann webcast on the BBC always cheers me up when I'm down, so I treat myself to that a lot. I've just bought the Two Doctors, so the second and sixth doctors are currently in favour, although I've always had a soft spot for Colin's Doctor as I when I was growing up I used to play with his girls.

2004-11-09 [Cathos]: *is jealous that she doesn't have a TV and can't watch Monarch* I've always had a soft spot for the main character in that. :) Have you seen Tom in Blackadder 2? He's brilliant and oh so doctorly. *grin*

2004-11-10 [Moucher]: i havnt seen it no monarch's great

2004-11-12 [Cathos]: Have reported the culprit to the guards. Sorry gang, normal service will resume as soon as possible.

2004-11-12 [Cathos]: For everyone who didn't notice, this page was deleted by [hit or miss], who has now got his just deserts. I have (with any luck) now set it to be owner editable only. If you want anything putting up, message it to me and I'll do it for you.

2004-11-13 [, , , , , , , , ,]: *grumbles and gives anyone who maliciously deletes wikis to the cybermen* at least it was restored

2004-11-13 [Moucher]: stupid pillock what the hell has he got to gain from it

2004-11-15 [Cathos]: I restored it from a previous page version. The same goit has been setting up clone houses and using them to run around Town deleting anything they get thier filthy mitts on. Molecular dispersal is to good for people like that.

2004-11-18 [, , , , , , , , ,]: true, as long as it's done one molecule at a time, slowly, but quick enough to be painfull.

2004-12-21 [Moucher]: merry christmas to one and all enjoy your selves and dont getr to drunk ;)lol

2004-12-21 [Cathos]: Drunk? Me? *attempts to look innocent*

2004-12-22 [Moucher]: lol drink is evil tis the blood of the devil I LOVE IT!!!! lol

2004-12-23 [Dom-Chan]: Personally, I like Tom Baker and Jon Pertwee (in that order), Tom always had a certain "out of this world" as if he didn't know what he was doing most of the time and Jon Pertwee looked like he was the old "awww" grandfather figure, old but still raring to go (no, not in that way you dirty ppl)

2004-12-26 [, , , , , , , , ,]: Merry Christmass all.   Eggnog and tea are both lovely things to drink on christmass :) and usuaily they don't have any side effects. 

2005-01-21 [Moucher]: Lookie what i made[/IMG]

2005-01-23 [Cathos]: That is so COOL! If there was a golden jelly baby award, you'd get it! I'm really going to have to set up a Who gallery at some point. Just as soon as I've got rid of my dastardly Silurian headcold.

2005-02-27 [magnus ravenstorm]: the scarfed dr.who is by all means my favorite.

2005-02-27 [Cathos]: Tom Baker! *throws jellybabies at everyone*

2005-02-27 [Dom-Chan]: the scarf-ed one, the immortal Baker the 4th lol

2005-02-27 [Cathos]: Surely, Tom would be Baker the 1st and Colin would be Baker the 2nd?

2005-03-01 [Dom-Chan]: so i mean baker the fourth doctor, ok, so it did seem misleading, sorry peeps

2005-04-13 [-chitch-]: WOOOO!!!!!

2005-04-13 [Moucher]: lol has anyone been watching the new series i hope you all have i have to admit though i cant stand christopher ecclestone and cant wait for the new doctor to be chosen

2005-04-16 [..and all that jazz]: I think Chris Eccleston's great, but I think thingy Tennant from Casanova might be better

2005-04-17 [Moucher]: he will be better i cant stand eccleston he cant act he just stands there with a stupid grin on his face

2005-04-17 [Dom-Chan]: personally, i don't think they've bin any good at choosing actors this time. and if that russell t davies thinks that the 1995 TV movie was good, i don't want him in charge of the new series.


2005-05-11 [-chitch-]: <img:> I DREW THIS ON FLASH!!!! IT ROCKS!! WE LOVE YOU DALEK!!!!! Feel free to put it on this wiki. Also, I made a Doctor Who parody in flash. Check it out. Just click new toons on the side menu.

2005-08-17 [Chitch_AN]: Hey hey hey!! I'm back, Why does no one talk here?

2005-08-17 [, , , , , , , , ,]: no clue. I don't talk often because I'm seldom on anymore.

2006-02-18 [The Luggage]: I just found this Wiki and i love Dr Who! Does anyone know when the new series starts? I missed the Christmas Invasion and i want to see what Tennant is like! Everyone I've spoken to liked him, but none of them taped it! And now it's Febuary and i still haven't seen him in action!

2006-08-16 [Bad Wolf]: I don't know if you'd know this (I presume you'd have already read it somewhere) but they actually had two different scarves for Tom Baker's Doctor. A shorter one was used for outdoor shoots so he wouldn't trip over it...XD

2006-10-22 [Doodle of Cydonia]: Oh, my god! A wiki for Doctor Who... as if I never realised before. May I join, please? =)

2006-10-22 [Cathos]: Help yourself. :) Go to Timelords to sign up or the wiki's wiki page to search for more wikis like us. There are a couple.

2006-10-23 [Doodle of Cydonia]: Yay, thankyou! ^-^

2006-11-09 [Doodle of Cydonia]: That is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen... O.O

2006-11-10 [purelily]: Yea, I thought so... Thanks to my baby brother for showing it to me. I had to find someone to share it with who would appreciate it. :D

2006-11-11 [Doodle of Cydonia]: N'awww. ^-^ Well, this does seem a rather good place. :3 It's a pity Halloween's not a big thing over here. I'd so be covering our house with pumpkin Dalkeks if it was. =P

2007-08-01 [psychekiller]: this page needs updating LOL

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